Formex Bienne

The Secret Sauce Behind the Value Proposition of Formex Watches

January 23, 2025

If you’re not a watch nerd, you may have never heard of Formex. Within the community though, the brand has developed a reputation for consistently punching above its weight on mechanical and material performance. For a few years now I’ve been wondering: how

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Behind the Scenes of Watchmaking, at the Surface of Watch Parts: Estoppey-Addor

October 2, 2024

To the casual watch collector, the name Estoppey-Addor might not sound familiar. But for those in the know, it stands as one of those companies that make the intricate world of watches even more captivating. Although the Bienne-based family business, established 144 years

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The Daring Swiss Side of Christopher Ward

March 18, 2024

Watches made in Switzerland by a company established in London is certainly a proven recipe, as Hans Wilsdorf can attest. Once upon a time, England was also where the best watches were produced. While the nation failed to transition to the industrial era

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From Swatch Intern to Chief Design Officer at On: Interview with Thilo Alex Brunner

February 29, 2024

When I first came across On shoes, over a decade ago, I was living in Senegal and visiting the Silicon Valley for work. I was immediately struck by the unique futuristic yet comforting looks. I certainly did not expect that, half a dozen

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Stainless Steel Klein Metals

At the Heart of Your Watch and the Watch Industry: L. Klein SA

January 19, 2024

There’s a striking contrast between the cold, hard metals stocked by the thousands across infinite rows of the L. Klein SA’s high-ceiling warehouse and the warm welcome, cozy atmosphere and gentle tone of the Schiess family, running the firm since 1973. Facing the

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A Watch Fan’s Holiday Film: Chasing Microns

December 22, 2023

I already have enough impostor syndrome as a “tech industry” worker trying to blog about watchmaking, I’m not going to start to pretend like I'm now also a film critic. That said, the 25 minute production I'm going to tell you about showcases

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Branding Bienne: Interview with the City’s Vice-Chancellor Julien Steiner

November 27, 2023

As the city’s Vice-Chancellor, Julien Steiner has among his prerogatives Bienne’s image as a place to live. Considering how radically the perception of Bienne has evolved over the years, and the role of watchmaking in the city’s reputation, there was a lot to

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Where Watchmaking and Leather Savoir-Faire Share a Roof, and Much More – A Day at La Montre Hermès, Part II

November 20, 2023

As I explained in the previous “episode”, the day spent at the Manufacture Hermès was so rich that a single article could not do justice. One of the reasons is that there are in fact two distinct, yet intimately connected, operations taking place

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Made in Bienne, one Piece at a Time: Langel Chocolate

November 13, 2023

The first 70 articles I wrote for this blog are all about watchmaking. And I expect pretty much the next 70 to be as well. But sometimes, it’s nice to make a little exception. Especially when it comes to high quality chocolate, the

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A Horological Interview with Paul Bernard, the Bienne Contemporary Art Center’s New Director

October 31, 2023

I generally learn a lot when I get to interview people for this blog. In some cases, I learn even more than usual, and this conversation with Paul Bernard is definitely all the way up there. His perspectives on how contemporary art ties

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