Bringing Rolex Retail (and More) Back to Bienne: A Conversation with Cédric Schiess, Founder of Art du Temps

August 29, 2024

parked outside the museum that hosts, almost secretly, the largest public Rolex collection in the world. A few hundred meters away from where the first ever Rolex watches were made, I crossed the road and walked into Art du Temps, the brand new

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The New Rolex History Book the (French-speaking) Watch World Is Talking About

April 7, 2024

After reviewing several watches, and even a film, I am about to add a third string to my bow of impostures and share my thoughts on a book I just finished. You have been warned and should only keep on reading at your

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Matthieu Humari, CEO of Watches & Wonders Geneva

Interview with Matthieu Humair, CEO of the Watches and Wonders Geneva Foundation

March 27, 2024

Matthieu Humair is normally a busy man, but in the weeks building up to Watches and Wonders Geneva 2024, his schedule is denser than ever. Grateful for his time, I wanted to arrive extra early. But when my smartphone kept telling me I

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From Swatch Intern to Chief Design Officer at On: Interview with Thilo Alex Brunner

February 29, 2024

When I first came across On shoes, over a decade ago, I was living in Senegal and visiting the Silicon Valley for work. I was immediately struck by the unique futuristic yet comforting looks. I certainly did not expect that, half a dozen

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Branding Bienne: Interview with the City’s Vice-Chancellor Julien Steiner

November 27, 2023

As the city’s Vice-Chancellor, Julien Steiner has among his prerogatives Bienne’s image as a place to live. Considering how radically the perception of Bienne has evolved over the years, and the role of watchmaking in the city’s reputation, there was a lot to

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The Watch Customer Experience in Bienne: Small Things Make a Big Difference

October 19, 2023

As you may know if you've been here before, I love buying pre-owned watches. The variety, the serendipity, and the story behind each piece are a lot more magical to me than a thick carpet, engineered lighting and unscratched, shiny cases. For that

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Interview: Marc Montagne, Author of “Invest in Watches: the Art of Watch Collecting”

September 4, 2023

While Marc Montagne has become a close friend over the years, I am first and foremost a fan of his (although please don't tell him). We met in 2015 after I reached out as a reader of his fantastic Quora contributions and as

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One Watch at a Time, Bienne Secretly Shines Around the World

July 4, 2023

What do Martin Luther King, JFK, the Dalai Lama, Meryl Streep and Neil Armstrong have in common? They notoriously spent some of the most important moments in their life with a watch made in Bienne around their wrist. Like millions of people over

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Charles-Louis Muri, 40 Years Selling Watches, from Bienne to the World

March 11, 2023

25 years ago today, Charles-Louis Muri opened his magnificent vintage watch and clock boutique, in the Bienne Old Town. 15 years before that, he had started his trade on the same street, Rue Basse, just a few meters away. Even if Mr Muri

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