Understanding the Paradigm Shift in International Aid – A Conversation with Stéphanie Simpson of Terre des Hommes
As regular readers of this blog know, I try to modestly support an NGO close to my heart, Terre des hommes, the leading Swiss organization for children’s rights. If you remember the charity watch sale a few of us organized at the end

About Last Sunday
When my alarm rang at 5 am on a Sunday morning, I wasn't sure how to feel. I was excited, but also pretty anxious. What if, 4 hours later, no one showed up? What if the 56 watches on sale - even more

The Catalogue and Everything Else You Need to Know for the Charity Sale on Sunday, December 8
So, here we are. Just 4 days away from something that randomly popped up a month ago when my close friend – and Time Files contributor – Luigi said he’d happily get rid of a few watches if they went to a good