Zooming in on the Captivating Horage Lensman 2

October 4, 2023

While my sister Jeanne is a photographer, I really know very little, actually close to nothing, about photography. The pictures I take for this blog hopefully get the job done most of the time, but as you can tell they’re informative at best.

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Starting Tomorrow, the Streets of Bienne Will Host the Arty Show with a Special Watch-Related Guest

October 3, 2023

As of Wednesday October 4th, the streets of Bienne will feel like a giant art gallery. Covering a lovely path from the train station to the old town, the Arty Show is back, for its 5th edition. Founded in 2018, the initiative mixes

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The Good Vibes at the Swatch Boutique in Bienne

September 17, 2023

The Swatch HQ boutique in Bienne is officially a Drive-Thru. You can come with your car, order via an intercom and collect your watch at the window a few meters away without leaving your seat. Some special boutique watches are even delivered in

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Interview: Marc Montagne, Author of “Invest in Watches: the Art of Watch Collecting”

September 4, 2023

While Marc Montagne has become a close friend over the years, I am first and foremost a fan of his (although please don't tell him). We met in 2015 after I reached out as a reader of his fantastic Quora contributions and as

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A Brief Introduction to the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry

August 31, 2023

The trade organization that regulates Swiss Made-ness and preserves the interests of its member brands across the globe is located in Bienne, a 2 minute walk from the train station. As I used to wonder, and have often been asked, what exactly the

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Sometimes, It Feels Wrong to Publicize Bienne

August 5, 2023

Made in Bienne stemmed from a mix of candid enthusiasm and a sense of injustice. Injustice because when you talk to watch people around the globe, how many will answer Bienne, or Biel, when asked about the world capital of watchmaking? Geneva, primarily,

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One Watch at a Time, Bienne Secretly Shines Around the World

July 4, 2023

What do Martin Luther King, JFK, the Dalai Lama, Meryl Streep and Neil Armstrong have in common? They notoriously spent some of the most important moments in their life with a watch made in Bienne around their wrist. Like millions of people over

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At the Source: the One and Only Omega Boutique in Bienne

June 8, 2023

Friendly, relaxed and fun are usually not words associated with a luxury watch retail environment. Yet, they immediately come to mind whenever I step into the Omega headquarters boutique in Bienne. Don't get me wrong: none of the high endness you would expect

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Watch Hunting: A Perpetual Quest

June 2, 2023

Earlier this week I polled on Instagram about what should be the next blog post and, by a very short margin, "Thoughts on watch hunting (why it never stops)" emerged as the winner. So here we go. The intense sensations in watch hunting

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My Journey Writing a Novel About Watch Collecting

May 25, 2023

Earlier this year, I published an ebook about watch collecting (paper version coming in a few months). While watch-related books are not uncommon, the particularity here is that it’s fiction. The novel is about a watch collector, Herbert, who finds his grail watch

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